Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Slightly Sour Ending to a Really Nice Month

Overall, just a super solid month of poker and I couldn't be happier (Ok, if I didn't drop $500 right at the end of the month I might be happier). But really, its just a little blip on the radar and a reality of poker that you just have to accept. I had decided to take a shot at 200NL a few days ago and ended up with a $150 profit over 3200 hands even with that nice little slide right at the end. Even though I feel like I can beat 200NL, right now I just don't know if I can handle the swings there. I'm a college student and $200 is quite a lot of money to lose on one hand of poker. I actually thought of the fact that 5 Buy-in downswings are fairly common, and I don't know if I'm mentally prepared to handle $1000 downswings regularly yet. I know one day I will (hopefully sooner rather than later), but for now 100NL will be fine for me. I plan to play a mix of FR and 6max next month and I will probably be staying at 100NL for the whole month.

I'm to the point where I am making some pretty good money playing poker and it is starting to cross my mind that it might be feasible to play for a living when I'm done with college. Whether I really want to do that or not is still up in the air, but I think it's definitely an option. My hourly rate at 100NL so far (without bonuses) is $65/hour. I only have 26k hands at the limit, but I think that figure is at least close to sustainable. I am actually ~$700 below all in EV in those 26k hands, but I have probably been running well in other aspects. If you figure in bonuses, then my win rate is even higher than that. I'm pretty sure that $65/hour is better than any job I could hope to get right out of college, so its kind of tempting. If I could continue to beat 100NL for a good win rate and eventually start beating 200NL or even 400NL I don't think there would be any way I could not play for a living as the profit would be just too great to turn down. I'm really starting to speculate here as I have no idea how I will react to playing 200NL let alone 400NL. Whether I would ever be able to beat 400NL is another uncertainty by itself. I can only hope that one day I may be playing 400NL comfortably.

The thought of going out into the workforce and working a 9-5 job is just mind numbing to me. Lately I can't stand any of my classes and I really just want the classes portion of school to be over with. My classes this semester just bore the crap out of me. Seems like every day I have to read a primary research article and then either summarize it or prepare a class discussion on it. These research articles are so ridiculously boring to read that I feel like shooting myself every time I sit down to read one. Not to mention that the material flies way way way over my head and is almost impossible to understand unless you have a doctorate in the field that the article is about. So yea, seeing so many profits coming from poker, and the potential for even larger profits is really uplifting to me. Its something that I love to do and I think I would love doing it for a living. I've never put in a 40 hour week playing poker though, so I would have to try that a few times too see if I could handle it. I plan on playing a couple 40 hour weeks during Christmas break this year, just to see what its like. I can't really do it when I'm in school as I'm just too busy and I'm lucky if I can get 2 hours to play in a day.

Anyways, enough of my ranting about how much school sucks and how I basically don't want to get a job and just be a lazy bum playing poker my whole life. Here's the graph of my ring hands this month. Along with this, I also won 2/5 5400 FPP sattys and had some tournament winnings. My total profit for the month with the tourneys and sattys included was $3270 which makes September my most profitable month. I also played less hands than the last 2 months, ran worse (in terms of all in EV), and feel like my game has improved a lot.

P.S. Made a trip to Boston last weekend and it was an absolute blast. Going to Washington D.C. in another week. My roommates and I are actually gonna try to make a visit to a different major city on the east coast each month for the rest of the school year.

1 comment:

Icemonkey9 said...

Good job on the graph, every time you post this end of month report (BTW your blog is sorely neglected) it seems you took home $2500.

BTW my wife has her B.S. in Biology and she works for a clinical research organization. She works gathering data for field studies for new medications ... most of these types of jobs (after about 2 years of experience in the office) are based out of the home and do 25 to 50% travel in your region. It pays REALLY well too (low end is $70k and high end is $110k).

It's a nice way to do some good ... my wife has worked on studies for cataracts, glaucoma, as well as pink eye for babies. The pay is good and you're working from home and you get to travel and see the country. Not bad eh?

Anyways ... that's down the road. Focus on your degree the last thing you would want is to screw something up and delay your graduation.

Finally, good poker. Thanks for your help also. I have an idea that I want to bounce off of you and a few others but that might be for next month.