Woooooo!! After 4 years at college I finally graduated yesterday. It feels so wierd that the whole experience is over and it really hasn't set in at all yet. I can't believe I will never be making the trip back to school to go to my dorm. Its really a bittersweet moment. Its sad that I won't be seeing a lot of my friends every day like I have been for the past 4 years, but its great to be done with classes and to have my degree. I now have a B.S. in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Economics. The rest of my life is totally up in the air right now and tbh, I have absolutely no clue what I am going to do. I'm not worried in the least though, I know things will work out no matter what I end up choosing to do.
First things first, I'm taking a month and a half vacation to florida with my girlfriend and I have a bunch of friends coming to visit at different times throughout the month and a half. I'm really planning on just relaxing during this time, and although I know I will play some poker, I really don't want to play a ton. I want to enjoy my time off. My parents have a really nice condo in florida that they rent out and they are giving me a nice discount on it for the next month and a half. Its only 10 minutes from the beach and I know it will be an absolute blast. I leave on May 14th and will be down there until the end of July. Who knows where/what I will do after that. I'll just figure it out when the day comes I guess. I don't like to plan things out really far in advance and I like to just live my life on a day to day basis.
Poker has not been good this month at all. I've been running terrible, playing worse (tilting TERRIBLE), and I'm really just disgusted with the game right now. I really haven't enjoyed playing in a few weeks now and I haven't played much the past 5 days or so. I think the vacation will do great things for my mind and allow me to clear my head for a couple months. I'm still planning on playing for a living, but this recent ~150k breakeven stretch has really taken a toll on me. A lot of the stretch I have been running extremely terrible, but I know that a lot of it is due to terrible play and tilt too. The hardest thing about playing poker is keeping a cool head. I don't know what it is about it, but once a few beats/coolers pile up for stacks, something just snaps in my head. I know it happens to a lot of others too and if I could get over it I know I could be great.
Anyways, its mothers day so I should probably spend some time with my mom. I probably won't post until I get to florida, but look for an update next week sometime.